Falls are one of the most common causes of injury, particularly among children and older adults.
Whether it’s a simple trip or a serious fall from height, knowing how to administer first aid can prevent further injury and, in some cases, save a life.
What is a Fall?
A fall occurs when a person suddenly and unintentionally comes to rest on the ground or floor. A person may fall while standing, sitting, lying, or climbing (such as playground equipment, furniture, or a ladder).
Falls are so common that they accounted for over 43% of all injury hospitalisations across the country. This puts falls as the leading cause of injury hospitalisations in 2022–23 and the leading cause of injury deaths in 2021–22, costing the health system $4.7 billion.
The Northern Territory has the highest rate of falls hospitalisation in Australia. Falls are the most common injury causing hospitalisation in Darwin.
What Causes Falls?
Falls can be caused by a number of factors, both internal within the casualty and external in their environment.
Some common causes of falls include:
- Uneven surfaces
- Wet or slippery surfaces
- Trip hazards (such as electrical cords, toys, or fallen branches)
- Medical conditions such as:
- Dementia
- Parkinson’s dementia
- Vertigo
- Vision impairment
- Joint conditions
- Temporary loss of balance
- Catching one foot on the other while walking or running
- Collision with a stationary or moving object or person
- Being pushed or shoved
- Incorrect operation of pedestrian vehicles such as scooters or skateboards
- Climbing apparatus incorrectly secured, or otherwise slipping
- Structure breaking (such as a wall or window)
Assess the Situation
Before providing first aid for a fall, assess the scene to ensure it is safe for you and the injured person. Check for potential hazards such as uneven surfaces, loose rugs, or wet floors that could cause further accidents.
Check for Responsiveness and Injuries
Conscious and Responsive: If the person is alert, ask about their pain and check for visible injuries such as cuts, bruises, or swelling.
Unconscious or Unresponsive: If the person is not responding, check their airway, breathing, and pulse. Call 000 immediately if they are unconscious or not breathing. Proceed with CPR as necessary.
Provide Immediate First Aid
Minor Falls
- If there are no serious injuries, help the person into a comfortable position.
- Apply a cold compress or ice pack to any swelling or bruises.
- Encourage rest and monitor for signs of delayed injury, such as dizziness or increasing pain.
Serious Falls
If you suspect a head, neck, or spinal injury, call 000 immediately. Airway management takes precedence over suspected spinal injuries – if they are breathing but unconscious, it is preferable that they be placed in the recovery position. You may gently move their head into a neutral position to keep an open airway. Keep their neck supported and maintain spinal alignment wherever possible.
- If there is bleeding, apply firm pressure with a clean cloth to stop bleeding. Avoid excessive movement of the injured area.
- If a bone appears broken, immobilise the limb using a splint or by keeping it in a natural resting position.
- Watch for signs of shock, such as pale skin, rapid breathing, or confusion, and keep the person warm and reassured while waiting for emergency services.
When to Seek Medical Help for a Fall
Call 000 or seek medical assistance if the person:
- Has lost consciousness or is experiencing confusion.
- Has difficulty breathing.
- Shows signs of a head injury, such as vomiting, drowsiness, or seizures.
- Complains of severe pain or has an obvious deformity in a limb.
- Experiences persistent dizziness or weakness.
Preventing Falls
Preventing falls is just as important as knowing how to respond to them.
The rate of injury deaths caused by falls has increased each year in the past decade indicating the need to take fall prevention seriously.
Some tips for helping to prevent falls include:
- Keep walkways clear of obstacles and tripping hazards
- Install handrails and grab bars where necessary, particularly in bathrooms and stairways
- Ensure proper lighting in all areas
- Encourage strength and balance exercises for older adults to maintain stability
- Manage medical conditions appropriately
- Ensure all climbing equipment (such as playgrounds and ladders) are regularly audited for safety and maintenance
Final Thoughts
Falls can happen anywhere, but being prepared with the right first aid knowledge can make a significant difference. Whether the fall is minor or severe, knowing how to assess the situation, provide immediate care, and seek medical attention when necessary can help protect the health and safety of those affected.
First Aid Training in Darwin
Accidents can happen anywhere—at home, in the workplace, or while out enjoying Darwin’s vibrant lifestyle. First aid training equips individuals with the knowledge to handle common emergencies, from burns and cuts to choking and falls. By completing a first aid course Darwin residents can feel empowered to protect their loved ones and contribute to a safer community.
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